The key to a great looking floor is noticed in the consistency and uniformity throughout the grading. Our exceptional grades far exceed those established by industry standards and will create an impressive room.
Premier Grade
Premier Grade highlights some colour variation that is found in natural wood. However, the overall look of this floor is exceptionally clean because the Premier Grade only allows for a slight tolerance in character marks, mineral streaking and pin knots. There are no open knots, heavy mineral or character marks, stains or checking.
Heritage Grade
Heritage Grade flooring has all the features of Select but also includes an allowance for pin holes, checking, heavy mineral streaking, large filled knots that can be up to two inches in diameter and a pith that is natural character from the centre of the tree. Every Heritage Grade floor is uniquely different making it a great choice for those who want an extraordinary and diverse floor full of character.
Heritage Grade - Live Sawn
Heritage Grade Live Sawn flooring has all the features of the general Heritage grade but due to the way it is cut from the tree, it incorporates all natural features from the tree. This results in more character, knots, checking and mineral throughout the board.
Superior Note: Due to natural textures of knots in the Heritage grade, there will be voids in certain character knots.